Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

The preservation of our Cultural Heritage and archaeology is a critical aspect to ensure it's legacy.

Cultural heritage assessments and archaeology form an essential part of an EIA, environmental report, planning application or development project. Clear information on the impact to areas of the built environment, such as listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments and designed landscapes, can speed up the processing of planning applications, reduce costs and lead to better overall design.
​Buried, or above the ground artefacts are always considered.

Experience has shown us that engaging and communicating at early project stages with the bodies trusted with protecting our national and local historical sites and treasures can reduce the amount of work and time taken on projects. We work closely with these authorities and organisations to ensure your project addresses any concerns from the start. Minimising time, workload and impacts will go towards a more viable and timely development. We offer both desk-based and field assessments to cover all aspects of heritage and can combine these assessments with visual representations, mapping and site photography where required.

Our services include

  • Written Scheme of Investigation
  • Watching brief & site monitoring
  • Heritage Assessments
  • GIS mapping & analysis
  • Heritage walkover assessments
  • Geophysical surveys
  • Setting Assessments
  • Visualisation production
  • Desk-based assessment
  • Archaeological Clerk of Works
  • Archaeological Excavation & Recording